How to Play Killer Queen
Killer Queen is a ten player arcade strategy game played between two teams of five players. The gold team plays on the gold cabinet and the blue team plays on the blue cabinet. Each team starts off with a "Queen" and four "workers". Workers can later be converted into warriors. There are three ways to win and endless ways to lose.
Unit types
The world of killer queen is populated by three different types of units, each with it's own unique capabilities.

All players start as workers except for the player in the center position of the cabinet who starts as a Queen. Workers are the only units that can collect berries, ride the snail or use "gates". Workers have infinite lives and respawn at the hive after death.

A worker unit can be transformed into a warrior unit by bringing a single berry to a winged gate. Warriors have the ability to fly and carry a sword that they can use to kill other units including queens. Warriors cannot collect berries or ride the snail. If a warrior dies they will respawn as a worker at the hive.

A player can choose to be a queen by selecting the center position on the cabinet. The queen position is one of great responsibility and should generally be played by more experienced players. Unlike workers and warriors, queens are born with
ALL the abilities they will have throughout the game. Queens can convert gates to their team color, fly, carry a sword and have a special attack - "the dive", which allows them to move quickly downward killing anything in their path. Queens are hatched from eggs and there are only three eggs per team. When a queen dies, the next egg will hatch with a new queen. If a queen dies three times the game is lost.
There are three ways to win Killer Queen
Military Victory

A team can win the game by killing the enemy queen three times. Queens can be killed either by other Queens or by warriors.
Economic Victory

A team can win the game by filling their hive with berries. Only workers can collect berries and a worker can only carry one berry at a time.
Snail Victory

Finally, a team can win the game by bringing the giant snail to their team's basket. Blue team has a blue basket and Gold team has a gold basket. The snail can only be ridden by a worker.